Our Timeless Creator
Revealed by His GloryGod is Greater Than What He Does | Message 4 | When Jesus Healed Ten Lepers
This Message considers why nine of the ten lepers who were healed completely missed the glory of God, even as the tenth one glorified God in their presence. They had heard him proclaim with a loud voice and likely watched him go to Jesus and fall on his knees but missed out on what Jesus was thinking when he said, “Were there not ten cleansed? but where are the nine?” This is like when Jesus calmed the storm and then asked, “Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith?” (See Mark 4:36-41) When Jesus healed ten lepers and asks a question he already knows the answer, so why does he ask? So we will think about how we would answer the question just as if he were asking us.
This message considers how elusive glorifying God is and distinguishes between service, thankfulness and giving God glory.
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Scripture References
- Rev. 3: 13-19
- Job 5:17-18
- Heb. 12:5-11
- Ps 19:1-3
- Ps 50:15,23
- Phil 2:5-11
Salient Points
- A bad taste in God’s mouth, Needing God less, Seeking God, Appreciating God, Distracted from God, The change from love into duty, What does God really want from us, Awakened to God, God’s glory on display, Deceived in the work, Nine missed the glory, Praising, Why did you God, Glorifying in song, Led astray, Work or pleasure, Purchased by God, The importance of God’s glory, Choosing to glorify, The purpose to exist, Why worry, Problems bigger than God, Praying to benefit God, Don’t stop at gratitude, It’s all about God’s greatness, It’s not about the gifts it’s about the giver.
If this message is part of a sub-series, other messages included in this special sub-series of Our Timeless Creator are as follows:
Overcoming Fear with Faith: Part 2 | Message 18
Overcoming Fear with Faith: Part 2 | Message 18 (WIP) This message is part two in a study of why, we as believers are so fearful about problems in life and how to can gain in faith and live in peace even in the worst of times. We have example after example of how God...
Overcoming Fear with Faith: Part 1 | Message 17
Overcoming Fear with Faith: Part 1 | Message 17 (WIP) This message is the first part in a study of why, we as believers, are so fearful about problems in life and how we can gain in faith and live in peace even in the worst of times. In Mark chapter 4, Jesus calmed...
Unaware That We Are Taking God’s Glory: Part 2 | Message 15
Unaware That We Are Taking God’s Glory: Part 2 | Message 15 (WIP) This message continues the study of our motives in serving God and how easily our efforts can change from serving in love into a service of duty. We are much like Cain and Abel. Both had a desire to...
Unaware That We Are Taking God’s Glory: Part 1 | Message 14
Unaware That We Are Taking God’s Glory: Part 1 | Message 14 (WIP) This message is a serious look into our motives for serving God and how our motive can cause us to take credit for His results. In much the same way as a child who had been given money to buy a present...
God’s Spoiled and Ungrateful Children | Message 11
God’s Spoiled and Ungrateful Children | Message 11 This message is to remind us of how blessed we are. It is also a reminder that what God has blessed us with was not to spoil us, but an opportunity to love and appreciate Him more for it. In a conversation with an...
Seeing Through God’s Glass Darkly: Part 2 | Message 10
Seeing Through God’s Glass Darkly: Part 2 | Message 10 The Bible has much to say about our eternal future, but try as we may, it is impossible to get a vision of that reality. The closest thing in scripture is described as a Glass Darkly, which is very similar to a...
Seeing Through God’s Glass Darkly: Part 1 | Message 9
Seeing Through God’s Glass Darkly: Part 1 | Message 9 In Colossians 3 we are admonished to; Set our affections on things above. That is like telling someone to love something they have never tasted. Or telling a child who has never been to a place like Disney World or...
Video Slideshow
This video presentation is similar to a screen saver that automatically advances with celestial images of the heavens from the Hubble, NASA, STScI and James Webb sites. They all have an accompanying scripture, or portions which can help illustrate Psalm 19:1 “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork”.
This series on the Glory of God was originally introduced with only ten Hubble slides shown on a large screen while fifteen verses were being read. It lasted about ten minutes. When completed there will be around 400 images in the Video Slideshow with related scriptures.
Click anywhere on the image above to start the slideshow.
Special Thanks
Images courtesy of Hubble Telescope, Nassau, Space Science Telescope Institute and the James Webb Space Telescope that include selected scriptures from the public domain version of The King James Bible. The availability of STScI materials on this website does not imply the endorsement of STScI or by any STScI employee of any private use of such materials, including, in particular, any commercial use and any use intended to mislead. For more information please visit our Copyright Information page by clicking here.
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