Knowing God as We Ought To | Message 20 (WIP) A major dilemma for today’s believers is the diversity of beliefs in denominations, bible versions, pastors, teachers and even those who attend the same churches. No matter where a person may turn for reliable...
Understanding the Question, “Why God?” | Message 19 (WIP) One of the greatest questions in life is, “Why God?” Why did you let this happen, why didn’t you stop that, why don’t you heal more, why don’t you bless our efforts more, why don’t you answer our...
Our Timeless Creator Revealed by His Glory Overcoming Fear with Faith: Part 2 | Message 18 (WIP) This message is part two in a study of why, we as believers are so fearful about problems in life and how to can gain in faith and live in peace even in the worst of...