Our Timeless Creator Revealed by His Glory Overcoming Fear with Faith: Part 2 | Message 18 (WIP) This message is part two in a study of why, we as believers are so fearful about problems in life and how to can gain in faith and live in peace even in the worst of...
Our Timeless Creator Revealed by His Glory Overcoming Fear with Faith: Part 1 | Message 17 (WIP) This message is the first part in a study of why, we as believers, are so fearful about problems in life and how we can gain in faith and live in peace even in the worst...
Our Timeless Creator Revealed by His Glory Unaware That We Are Taking God’s Glory: Part 1 | Message 14 (WIP) This message is a serious look into our motives for serving God and how our motive can cause us to take credit for His results. In much the same way as a child...
Our Timeless Creator Revealed by His Glory How We Lose Sight of God | Message 13 This message identifies the initial wrong turn that we all take that leads us away from God’s desires and His fellowship. In the scriptures, as well as in our own lives we can see clearly...
Our Timeless Creator Revealed by His Glory God’s Spoiled and Ungrateful Children | Message 11 This message is to remind us of how blessed we are. It is also a reminder that what God has blessed us with was not to spoil us, but an opportunity to love and appreciate Him...